On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 12:30 AM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <
philippe.bru...@free.fr> wrote:

> On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 06:14:57PM +1200, Kent Fredric wrote:
> >
> > Even some git based workflow that published to github pages with some
> > atrocity of jekyll would be better for this task IMHO than a wiki. ( This
> > is also a "moderately low barrier to get it working using existing
> > contribution systems" thing )
> Hey, this is exactly what I was proposing in my other email: aggregating
> documents that live on specific branches of specific directories.
> I'll try to quickly produce a proof-of-concept.

This may be a good time to point out my Jekyll-ish static site publishing
framework HiD (https://metacpan.org/release/HiD) has an option to publish
direct to GitHub pages.

It currently doesn't support POD as an input format (only Markdown and
Textile) but I don't think that would be that hard to add; that layer is


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