> On Mar 23, 2016, at 11:20 AM, David Golden <x...@xdg.me> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 11:25 AM, Stefan Seifert <n...@detonation.org 
> <mailto:n...@detonation.org>> wrote:
> > * I think we have to allow mass deletion, even if that de-indexes stuff.  I
> > think that's an author's right.
> I've never gotten that argument.
> Let's try a narrower argument: Should an author be allowed to delete *any* 
> distribution?
> * Old tarballs?  Seems reasonable.
> * Currently indexed tarballs?  What if a file was included that was never 
> meant for publication?  What if there was a really dangerous bug?  What if it 
> was accidentally uploaded company code that *isn't* open source?
> I can think of several legitimate reasons to allow deletion and de-indexing.
> Moreover, if we disallowed deletion, an author could just upload an empty 
> module except for a higher version number and get that indexed and that is as 
> effective at breaking things as removal.
> So given that removal (a) has several reasonable uses and (b) doesn't stop 
> authors from mass-breaking dependents if they want to, I see no reason to 
> prohibit it.
> David

I agree with you taking away delete doesn't solve anything. So at best, all we 
can do is mitigate the catastrophes when they happen.

For me the scenario I worry about is: KWILLIAMS declares Module::Build a 
failure. He then removes all co-maints and wipes all of his tarballs. IMO, 
PAUSE admins should have a right to say: NOPE. Leon is now the owner of M::B, 
especially if the module removal breaks a large enough part of CPAN.

+1 to addressing https://github.com/andk/pause/issues/169 
<https://github.com/andk/pause/issues/169>. This is a potential security issue 
waiting to happen.


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