On 18/12/14 06:13 AM, ilias wrote:
> I got an overloaded function:
> void f(int n)
> {
>   std::clog << "invoked f(int n = " << n << ")" << std::endl;
> }
> void f(double d)
> {
>   std::clog << "invoked f(double d = " << d << ")" << std::endl;
> }
> If I put declarations in that order:
> void (*f_int)(int) = &f;
> void (*f_double)(double) = &f;
> {
>   def("f", f_int);
>   def("f", f_double);
> }
> No matter what I pass into the function f, f(double) is invoked every time. 
> Even though I call f(int(1)) I will see "invoked f(double d = 1)".
> But if I declare the function f in reversed order:
> {
>   def("f", f_double);
>   def("f", f_int);
> }
> I will see "invoked f(int n = 5)" when I call f(5) and "invoked f(double d = 
> 3.14)" when I call f(3.14) as it has to be. Why does it happen? Why does it 
> depend on declaration order?

It definitely shouldn't. If it does, please submit a bug report
including the test, as well as details as to what compiler and OS you
were observing the error on.



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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