At 05:45 AM 04/04/2001 -0400, Seth Finkelstein wrote:
>Tim May wrote:
> > I see a newcomer, Seth Finkelstein, harshly criticizing Declan and
> > others. Easy to ignore someone who wasn't even here the day before
> > yesterday.
>Point of information: "nonconsentingly delurked" is more accurate
>than "newcomer".

Seth is a long-term contributor to the Cyberia-L list,
which a reasonable number of Cypherpunks also read
or at least occasionally post to, including Declan and JYA.
He's been a major contributor with The Censorware Project
(which I gather is a trying to restart after a previous
death-by-infighting that followed a few years of good work)
and is strongly in the anti-censorware camp as opposed to the
censorware-will-save-us-by-deflecting-worse-forms-of-censorship camp.
He does computer consulting (not sure what type),
and is one of the technologist/activist types on Cyberia-L
rather than one of the lawyers.

And yes, as some people have commented, he does flame against
Libertarianism, among other things, but he's also
a strong supporter of free speech.

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