"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>There is good and evil censorware, and many in the censorware project were
>more concerned with good censorware than evil.
>The censorware project was a typical pinko project, directed at private
>choice, instead of state power.

I don't know what you've been smoking James, but I see the Censorware 
Project http://censorware.net/ combating state interventionism, 
especially fighting hard for our first amendment freedom against 

And I'd highly suggest you read their FAQ before stupidly calling 
them "pinkos".


"1.2 - Why do people want censorware installed on public computers?

Mostly, because their religious leaders told them so. Actually, there 
are initiatives to censor both from the far right ("The Bible says 
sex is evil") and the far left ("We must censor this to protect 
you"). Both are rather silly. There's never been a single case of 
information leaping off the screen and beating someone to death or 
hitting them with a car. Hundreds of people die daily in car 
accidents, none die as a result of viewing playboy.com. When will the 
U.S. get its priorities straight?"

Regards,  Matt-

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