mistake,in 1987 - The Mobro 4,000, piled with 3,168 tons
of New York
garbage, begins a 162-day, 6,000-mile search for a port
willing to take its' load. As the boat barged it's way into
the media spotlight -- a surreal symbol of man's inability
to clean up his own mess -- it's rebuffed by 6 states & 3
countries before New York City agrees to burn the trash.
ALSO in the bleed...1989 - US: The Exxon Valdez destroys thousands of square
miles of pristine wildlife habitat in the largest oil spill in US
history. Exxon Corp. spends the next several years avoiding
lawsuits, creating new PR spins, & obstructing cleanup
1990 -- England: Death of Geoffrey Ostergaard, gentle
anarchist/pacifist. Wrote on workers' control, & also
similarities of Sarvodaya in India & anarchism.
'In [the ideal state] every one is his own ruler. He
rules himself in such a manner that he is never a
hindrance to his neighbor. In [such a state],
therefore, there is no political power because there
is no State.'

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