of some fallacy?

Spanking and fellatio,I'm up for it.

 >>Not hiring a single lawyer, not even _consulting_ (emphasis his) a lawyer,
more truly means you are a complete moron <<

Your spelling sucks,its MONGO,a complete MONGO.Get it?,got it?...good.

 >>and disdain even calculated risk.<<

Farred heart never one fair lady?

 >>If you break the law by a significant act in that direction, you set your
own hook for co-option, especially in espionage.<<

When crypto is outlawed only outlaws will have $#%^86232@@@!9***

 >>I don't see a marketplace opportunity in an espionage Black Net. In
high-tempo complex event streams with changing decision-makers, shifting
goal-setting, interveners, variable resources, etc. -- the advantage to be
gained by competitors (of any sort) more truly lies elsewhere. Mere secrets
no longer offer the edge, because they offer a short half-life of
decision-relevance. Now, 3 days to 3 months, and it grows shorter. Few
competitors have decision-utility in terms of capability and readiness to
take advantage of "secrets.<<

She may have a point here,didnt vlad Putin say recently thats its harder to 
keep secrets these days?Thank goodness for the web.

 >>" Most of the information you need is open
source, or can be gained by acumen with low-risk.<<

What,you dont want to buy anything? getthefuckoutofhere! There are no 
commies here.

  >>Add in the traitor element
and the "go to jail" consideration, and it looks like a no-go to me.
(Espionage is more traditionally called treason, BTW. It's even in the

Treason is the daily background hum of the internet,darlin',"national 
borders are road humps,etc"You keep talking like we are all septic tanks.I 
also have a soft spot for treason,it was the name of a collective I 
belonged to about 20 years ago,we produced a samizdat for a few years.I'll 
send one c/o crawford PO if you like.The Zimbabwe opposition leaders just 
been charged with treason so its not a bad thing is it.Some good things are 
illegal and the nuremburg trials showed that sometimes "treason' is 
justified.If strong crypto is used,what the US govt doesnt know wont hurt 
them,and if it does hurt them it might be a desirable outcome and if 
innocents get hurt then thats bad but in war and in life bad things happen 
to good people.Look at the ferry of heavy water that was sunk in 
Norway,innocents died to slow down german A-bomb creation.
Each case would have to be judged on its merits.For my side,being a traitor 
to an illegal rogue terror state is good thing and is to be encouraged.

 >>But, hey, a man should feel free to make his own decisions, just like Tim
tells him to.
Any man or woman,(your a man aren't you,agent Farr?) is unlikely to be 
persuaded either way by a peanut like Mongo,but if they are,good luck to 
them.Strong crypto takes care of everything.

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