At 08:33 PM 3/22/02 -0600, Aimee Farr wrote:
>Tim wrote:
>> Don't hire a single lawyer. As soon as even a single lawyer is hired,

>> you're lost. Because it means you're thinking in terms of using the
>> legal system, of striking business deals with those whose products
>> napster, and with working within the system.
>> Not hiring a single lawyer, not even _consulting_ with a lawyer,
>> you are fully aware of how much you are relying on the laws of
>> mathematics rather than the laws of men.
>"I find your lack of faith disturbing." -- Darth Vader

"Read the source, Luke"

>What happens if you break the laws of mathematics?

Jah gets *really* pissed.

>Or, does couching a
>choice of law between the "laws of men," and "the laws of mathematics"
>of some fallacy?

Been fellating a lot of legislative numerical illiterates recently, have
we Aimee?

>Not hiring a single lawyer, not even _consulting_ (emphasis his) a
>more truly means you are a complete moron and disdain even calculated

No, it means you're observant and have discounted the lawhores.

>If you break the law by a significant act in that direction, you set
>own hook for co-option, especially in espionage.

What if you do no wrong, but the RIAA/MPAA brings heavy artillery
upon you?

Naah, can't happen here, Suzy Creamcheese.

>Most of the information you need is open

Dream on

>or can be gained by acumen with low-risk. Add in the traitor element
>and the "go to jail" consideration, and it looks like a no-go to me.

We have some questions about the optimal voltage/flow rate used when
CO2 & nutrient deprived anthrax cultures...

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