*Let the communities operate their radio stations, says Dr
Ek Duniya Anek Awaaz | 13 July 2012

*Dr R Sreedher, media expert and community media practitioner, who recently
retired from the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
speaks to Rahul Kumar of OneWorld South Asia, on how the community radio
should be entrusted in the hands of the people to make it a really
empowering tool for social change.
OneWorld South Asia: Dr Sreedher, you are credited with starting the first
educational radio station in India and, later, also the first community
radio station. It’s been a long time since then, so how do you see the
progress till now?

Dr R Sreedher: I happened to start the first educational radio station
called Gyanvani in 2001. It came as a bonanza to the Indira Gandhi National
Open University (IGNOU) when privatisation was taking place and the
government decided to reserve one frequency for the social sector. They
were afraid of giving it to the communities so they said, ‘let us reserve
it for education’, so that is how IGNOU got 40 radio stations.

I was able to start the first radio station in Allahabad on November 7,
2001, but unfortunately I left in 2003 and the way in which I visualised
the educational radio channel did not happen. I wanted it to be a
decentralised one with every centre having its own committee—deciding
content. I saw it this way–local content, local school, colleges and local
NGOs making use of the radio station. It has somehow become IGNOU-centric.
So it is a failure to me. Educational radio channel is a failure because of
lack of initiative, lack of innovation and lack of dedication.

That is why I was thinking of starting a community radio channel because
when one of the ministers of Information and Broadcasting saw four
different languages, four different cultures were being projected through
the educational channel, she told the minister of Human Resources
Development that if this is good to be the role of educational radio, I
don’t mind giving you frequencies to all colleges and universities to start
a radio station. So that’s how it started.

Seeing the success of the first few Gyanvani radio stations made them give
low power radio transmitters to all other educational institutions, that is
why the first campus community radio policy came into being in 2002. The
guidelines were first notified in 2003 and we framed an application form. I
was one of the parties to develop the form and they said, ‘don’t ask any
questions, just ask the name and address and the institution’s name and
address and we will be able to find out their antecedents and be able to
give the license. I myself happened to apply for the first license for Anna
University and found that even the guidelines of which I was part of, it
took me more than a year to get the license.

>From one radio station in 2004, today it is more than 136 stations. That
means the growth is good. People are expecting at least 1,000 radio
stations very soon. We have already got 1,000 people applying for community
radio stations. The applications may be held up with various ministries for
various reasons, may be even the applicants themselves also but the growth
is fine. Now, there will be a leap forward so I don’t think the community
radio is non-starter, it is taking place but it is a slow growth.

OWSA: You just mentioned that you are not very happy with the educational
radio stations or do you think there have been improvements or innovations,
particularly in content, in educational radio now?

Sreedher: The educational FM radio channel of India, called Gyanvani, with
37 radio stations is degrading day by day—no new content is provided, no
new talent is found and it has become a rotten government channel that is
IGNOU-centric. There is no decentralisation as it has centralised
programmes which are not meant for local students. I think something has to
be done seriously to see that good content is produced, although the
transmission and infrastructure is all complete. They don’t have good
staff, so something drastic has to be done.

Maybe the MoHRD is thinking that the educational channel was started by the
NDA government therefore it should not take up this responsibility. But
money is going down the drain. Ask anybody in Delhi if they have ever heard
Gyanvani? Is Gyanvani as powerful as Radio Mirchi or Radio City? And it is
also on the same transmitter and covers the same area. After 11 years of
its inauguration in Delhi, nobody knows what is Gyanvani... why is the
tax-payers money being wasted, I don’t understand.

OWSA: Do you share the same pessimism regarding community radio also?

Sreedher: No absolutely no.

OWSA: And why so?

Sreedher: See pessimism is given only by the so called community radio
activists who are all armchair critics and don’t run community radio having
associated themselves with some international agencies. They are trying to
think of text book community radio stations and ideal community radio
stations. They themselves are unable to run an ideal community radio
station. On one hand they say that community radio is for the community, by
the community and of the community; and on the other hand, they want the
government to give everything free and when anybody funds the radio
station, they always expect something in return.

They showpiece some four radio stations in the country as the ideal
community radio stations... I don’t know why those four radio stations
could not even be replicated and duplicated to 40 or 400. So what they have
done then? Still you will find them all over internationally. In India,
then are those four radio stations the only radio stations in the country?
There is a radio station in Andhra Pradesh that claims that it is the first
community radio station run by the Dalit community and they have a Dalit
woman who I have been seeing from 1990 being showcased by the same group
across the world.

If you are running an ideal community radio station for the past so many
years, you should be in a position to replicate and duplicate the same.
Having said that, there are so many similar other women who are coming up
from so many other community radio stations. But they are unseen and
unheard voices who are doing service through their community radio
stations. I can quote at least 50 such women in the country who are not
getting projected by the mainstream media. This is because people who run
community radio stations do not have good friends in the media while the
community radio activists have friends all over the media. But I say that
the movement has peaked. Even educational institutions which didn’t have an
idea of running a community radio station, are now empowering the community
around them through their campus radio stations.

OWSA: I think one of the most important things in community radio is the
content. Are the communities able to produce enough content, relevant
content and one that is liked and understood by the people easily?

Sreedher: It’s a million dollar question. Today the whole media world does
not have good content. Getting good content in the commercial world is
costly. Good content, though we cannot say popular content, is costly but
we cannot say whether it is good content. In community radio, good content
is still a dream but there are no trainers, no leaders who understand
community radio. Community radio is not a campus radio, it not also an NGO

An NGO may be working on communal harmony or it may be working on AIDS. But
it does not mean that the community only wants AIDS, so we have to have an
overall picture of the needs of the community. But who is running a
community radio station today? Retired All India Radio people, commercial
radio people, advertising personnel, newspaper people or NGO’s... there is
no real community radio professional who is running a community radio today.

Unless that happens, unless that leadership is developed, you will not get
relevant community radio content. There are indications that some NGOs and
campuses are trying to create community leadership and community-based
programmes. A step must be taken in the right direction. It takes another
five years and you can see some good content coming out.

OWSA: So how do you see the future of the community radio movement and the
stations for now on?

Sreedher: Sooner or later they will all become sustainable. This world
cannot live on subsidies alone. We have to have sustainable models.
Sustainable does not mean financial sustainability; sustainability includes
manpower, human resource, infrastructure and also, content sustainability.

They have to network, they have to have a larger base and have to market
themselves. If it has to work, micro marketing is needed, this community
radio station has to be run by the community and not by the so-called NGO
leaders who want to keep it under their control, or the campus leaders who
wants to keep it under their control. If the community radio has to be
sustainable, hand it over to the community members and tell them to make it
sustainable. There would be so many ways through which the community will
try to bring sustainability instead of the one brain, who started the radio
station. So just decentralise it, make it wide open, give it to the people,
let them produce content and slowly tell them to please bring in the money.

Source: Rahul Kumar/ OneWorld South Asia
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