
I try to compare existing plugin APIs starting with imaging ones. My goal is to find something useable across applications.

Please comment to complete the list or just edit the create wiki :-)

Here is the feature matrix:
API/Format       Technology      UI      I18N    parameter types         data 
types      graph structure
Gimp API        C       Gimp/Gtk        gettext         user defined    8-bit 
G/GA/RGB/RGBA     single instance
Krita API       C++      ??     Qt      Krita options   8/16-integers/float 1-5 
channels ?      single instance
digiKam API     C++      ??     Qt       ??     8/16-integers 1-4 channels ?    
single instance
KIPI    C++      ??     Qt       ??     8/16-integers 1-4 channel ?     single 
OpenGTL         Pixelbender script      rendered        integers, floats, small 
arrays  --      float RGBA      Pixelbender graph
Oyranos C rendered XForms subset gettext or custom integers, floats, text, arrays custom single instance (Sorry for the bad formatting :-(, its just tab stopped.)

You can add more features you might find essential or of course other APIs or formats.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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