Am 22.07.10, 12:41 +0200 schrieb Dave Neary:


Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
Here is the feature matrix:
API/Format      Technology      UI      I18N      parameter types
data types      graph structure
Gimp API     C     Gimp/Gtk     gettext     user defined     8-bit

Also scheme and Python.

I think they are Gimp specific. So I assume the same properties like for Gimp.

Krita API     C++      ??     Qt     Krita options
digiKam API     C++      ??     Qt      ??     8/16-integers 1-4
KIPI     C++      ??     Qt      ??     8/16-integers 1-4 channel ?
OpenGTL     Pixelbender script     rendered     integers, floats, small
Oyranos     C     rendered XForms subset     gettext or custom

SANE    API     C/ldopen        gettext struct

Thanks, added.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

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