On 8/18/10, a.l.e wrote:

> i have the feeling that with my views, i'm a lonely minority in the LG
> community and i will refrain in the future from bringing
> new ideas or commenting on other peoples ones.

So that majority lives in happy ignorance about alternative points of
view and becomes self-absorbed? What a clever evil way to destroy the
community :)

By the way, there is no majority of anybody in this list really.
Remember the lengthy next-lgm-venue threads? They would be impossible
if everybody just agreed.

> and i don't like most decisions which are taken (and the reasons
> behind those decisions).

Well, I don't like reasoning of some decisions either, and I'm still
committed to CREATE (even if I mostly commit pain in the arse).

> i will keep on doing things, when there are tasks i can fulfill but
> won't propose any myself.

Dear a.l.e, lack of initiative has never been considered anyone's
forte. And in free software projects it's simply against nature.

Alexandre Prokoudine
CREATE mailing list

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