Howdy.  So we've now got three media-sponsorship deals established for
LGM2012.  Each requires us to provide a link & an image to the sponsoring
publication, in return for which we get to advertise for free.  Below are
the details and what we need to come up (if necessary) with for each
organization. -- runs text ads only; they are short but a lot of Linux & FLOSS
developers see them.  We've done simple ads of the form "Click here to help
support developer travel to LGM" linking directly to the Pledgie page; I'll
take care of this.

Linux Journal -- Everybody knows Linux Journal.  For them, we need a 728x90
pixel banner.

Linux New Media -- this is the online publisher of both "Linux Magazin" and
"Ubuntu User" (plus a few other titles).  They have several sizes
available; there is an updated PDF guide here:

My advice would definitely be to shoot for the 728x90 px "leaderboard"
banner, just since that means we can reuse the same design on both sites
without modification.

That's all for right now.  The sooner we can get a banner ready, the sooner
we go into rotation.  I hope to have another 2-3 sites onboard within the
week; still talking to some people and still trying to find contact info
for others....

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