hi nate,

are you happy with one of the solution which has been given or do we
need to look further?


> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Nathan Willis
> <nwil...@glyphography.com>wrote:
> >
> >
> > That's all for right now.  The sooner we can get a banner ready, the
> > sooner we go into rotation.  I hope to have another 2-3 sites
> > onboard within the week; still talking to some people and still
> > trying to find contact info for others....
> >
> Also, I forgot to mention two things --
> First, in the past our online ads have been exclusively "help fund
> developer travel" -- I think we should also do a banner that simply
> invites attendees to LGM & encourages participation; we can rotate
> between two at no additional complexity, and we want everyone to know
> that they're invited as well.  You never know who might show up for
> the first time.
> And second, if you think of an online publication that you read
> frequently, the odds are that it would be a good place to advertise,
> too, so please pass it along.
> Thanks again,
> Nate

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