hi mica

> I appreciate that you have your preferred workflow for producing
> slides and you should certainly use whatever workflow works for you.


> I try to make the barrier for contributing as low as possible, that's
> why it isn't a git repository. Hackmd is nice because one opens it in
> a web browser and types. That's it. I'm willing to trade some
> possible sabotage for a dead simple way for people to contribute.

i also appreciate that you have a preferred way for producing your

and i love hackmd. that's an amazing tool.

> As far as contacting you privately, I don't see why that is necessary.

it's not necessary, but it might be useful for discussing about the
workflow and maybe coordinating the effort?

i don't know from where your took the idea of a "state of LG", and
if SCALE already had such a talk in the past, but i guess that you are
aware that the libre graphics meeting has had the exact same opening
talk for many years now.

if you're in charge for the same task as i am, but for a different
conference, i guess that we can talk together and see if there can
be synergies... don't you agree?

most of all, because some people might wonder, why they get contacted
twice for what the might perceive as being the same event...

if you now might feel an interest to collaborate please simply get in
touch with me per email, come over to the #lgm irc channel, or -- if it
must be -- use this list.

and if you don't want, no worries : - )

have a nice day

p.s.: english is by far not my mother language and is a language i'm
not comfortable with... and since this is the case for many people on
this international list, please take a bit of care before seeing malice
behind words that have been typed in a hurry, between two tasks.
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