On Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 1:12 AM Dave Crossland <d...@lab6.com> wrote:

> I was thinking of organizing a small libre fonts gathering in Europe or
> USA.

That reminds me, I think we are getting to put together a libre graphics
track at the SCALE conference in the Los Angeles area for the March 9–12

Anyone in the Southern California vicinity (or near enough the the NA West
Coast to make the trip), please consider submitting a session proposal:

We've done a track at this event several times before; in general running
LG tracks and sessions at regional events is a great way to engage with
attendees who are users (even pro users) that can't always justify the
global travel bill.

Plus, it potentially could be a stepping stone to getting things organized
for a grand return to full LGM later in the year. Whoever is there in the
SCALE area, meeting up and talking planning steps would be great.

(Same goes, on the "meet at brainstorm" front, for the Open Source Design
crowd at FOSDEM, I suppose....)

It's all about the snowball effect sometimes,
nwil...@glyphography.com <http://identi.ca/n8>

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