Dear Colleagues,

It is with deep sorrow that I have to inform you about the sudden loss of Dr. 
Siegfried Krause, IT Referent of the Germanische Nationalmuseum of Nuremberg 
and longstanding member of CIDOC and CRM-SIG. He passed away this Friday, Nov. 
8 2019, in his home in the village Lyttos in Crete, suddenly without previous 
illness, in the middle of an active life, just two weeks after participating in 
the last CRM_SIG meeting in Heraklion.

We have Siegfried Krause in high esteem as a personal friend, a good colleague 
and scholar. He was one of the founding members of the CIDOC CRM Special 
Interest Group. We value his distinct contributions and his deep understanding 
of the practical IT requirements of research in the cultural-historical domain.

His work substantially contributed to the quality and increasing application 
the CIDOC CRM enjoys world-wide. He has translated the CIDOC CRM to German, 
together with late Karl-Heinz Lampe and me. He has developed, together with the 
University of Erlangen, one of the most important reference implementations of 
the CIDOC CRM, the WissKi system, probably the first Knowledge Representation 
platform that is in practice used for the integrated management of multiple 
scholarly research projects from the beginning of the research process and 
continues to be used.

He was the local organizer of the CIDOC Annual Conference 1997, Nuremberg, 
Germany//and has been chair of the Semantic Research Environments Working Group 
of CIDOC, which builds on the experience with the WissKi system.
Our team at ICS-FORTH has been enjoying a continued and intensive scientific 
collaboration with Siegfried's team since the year 2000.

His sudden passing away constitutes a great loss, personally and 
professionally, an interruption of promising activities, but before all a great 
hardship for his family.

Siegfried Krause had strong emotional ties to the island of Crete, beginning as 
young archaeologist, and thus happened to end his life in an environment he 

We offer our sincere condolences to his wife and his family,

Martin Doerr

 Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece

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