To play the devil’s avocado … if Stephen is correct that we don’t want to add 
categorical assertions, then these seem like clear instances of that type of 

Personally, these seem extremely useful … along with many other categorical 


From: Crm-sig <> on behalf of Martin Doerr 
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 11:38 AM
To: crm-sig <>
Subject: [Crm-sig] My HW Issue 294: appears in etc.

Dear all,

Here my reworking of the scope notes:

appears in
Domain:               E55 Type
Range:                  E4 Period
Subproperty:     appears in
Quantification: many-to-many
Old Scope Note:
This property connects a kind of object (documented as an instance of E55 Type) 
to an instance of E4 Period in order to indicate that this kind of object is 
found in archaeological contexts related to this period.
This property makes a weak statement with regards to the distribution of the 
class of object in the archaeological record. The statement would support 
reasoning, ceteris paribus, that the discovery of an instance of this type of 
object in an archaeological context would indicate that a number of instances 
of E4 Period, in which the type of object is known to appear, may have extended 
over the area of archaeological observation in question.
Stronger claims can be made using ‘typical for’ and ‘restricted to’  properties.
New Scope Note:
This property associates a kind of object (documented as an instance of E55) to 
an instance of E4 Period for indicating that objects of this kind have been 
generated within this period. The generation of such objects may be the result 
of human, biological, geological or other processes.
This property makes a weak statement with regards to the distribution of the 
class of object in the archaeological record, but also in geological or 
paleontological observations: If the genesis of an object of this type can 
plausibly be assumed to fall within the genesis of the context in which it was 
found, then the statement made with this property would support reasoning, 
ceteris paribus, that the genesis period of the find context forms part of or 
overlaps with one of the instance of E4 Period in which the respective object 
type has appeared.
Stronger claims can be made using ‘typical for’ and ‘restricted to’  properties.
restricted to
Domain:               E55 Type
Range:                  E4 Period
Subproperty:     appears in
Quantification: many-to-one

Old Scope Note:
This property connects a kind of object (documented as an instance of E55) to 
an instance of E4 Period to indicate that this kind of object is exclusively 
generated in contexts – archaeological, biological, geological –in this period.
This property makes a strong statement with regards to the distribution of the 
class of object in the archaeological record. The statement would support 
reasoning, ceteris paribus, that the discovery of an instance of this type of 
object in a context would be indicative of the extension of an instance of the 
related instance of E4 Period over the area of archaeological observation.
Weaker claims can be made using ‘typical for’ and ‘appears in’.

New Scope Note:
This property associates a kind of object (documented as an instance of E55) to 
an instance of E4 Period for indicating that objects of this kind have 
exclusively been generated in this period.
This property makes a strong statement concerning the distribution of the kind 
of object in the observation record: If the genesis of an object of this type 
can plausibly be assumed to fall within the genesis of the context in which it 
was found, then the statement made with this property would support reasoning, 
ceteris paribus, that the genesis period of the find context actually forms 
part of the related instance of E4 Period, or at least overlaps with it.
In contrast, objects from previous periods may appear in a context because they 
are still in use, and objects from later periods may have been pushed into an 
older context.
Weaker claims can be made using the properties ‘typical for’ and ‘appears in’.

typical for
Domain:                E55 Type
Range:                  E4 Period
Subproperty:     appears in
Quantification: many-to-one
 Old Scope Note:
This property connects a kind of object (documented as an instance of E55 Type) 
to an instance of E4 Period in order to indicate that this kind of object is 
regularly found in archaeological contexts related to this period.
This property makes a moderate statement with regards to the distribution of 
the class of object in the archaeological record. The statement would support 
reasoning, ceteris paribus, that the discovery of instances of this type of 
object in an archaeological context would be a possible indicator of the 
extension of an instance of the related instance of E4 Period over the area of 
archaeological observation.
A stronger claim can be made using ‘restricted to’ while a weaker claim is made 
using ‘appears in.
New Scope Note:
This property associates a kind of object (documented as an instance of E55) to 
an instance of E4 Period for indicating that objects of this kind have been 
generated in this period in significantly higher numbers and wider 
distribution, than in other periods.
This property makes a moderate statement concerning the distribution of the 
kind of object in the observation record: If a sufficient number of objects of 
this type are found in some context, and their genesis can plausibly be assumed 
to fall within the genesis of the find context, then the statement made with 
this property would support reasoning, ceteris paribus, that the genesis period 
of the find context is likely to forms part of the related instance of E4 
Period, or at least overlaps with it. “Sufficient number” means that the 
density of objects of this kind in the find context is compatible with the 
general density this kind of object had in the respective period in comparable 
contexts and deposition history.
A stronger claim can be made using ‘restricted to’ while a weaker claim is made 
using ‘appears in'.



 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the

 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory

 Institute of Computer Science

 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece




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