Dear Dan,

On 1/12/2014 7:26 ??, Dan Matei wrote:
My main criterion (not always explicit !) to use one property or other is not the query (dis)ambiguity, but the facility of the semantic reasoning, i.e. inference. Am I wrong ?
I'd regard this as secondary application. Many reasoning applications need to narrow the world down, which often comes in direct conflict conflict with the recall of a global query. If that happens, search has preference over expressive power. Of course, reasoning can also increase recall. Then it is preferable.

In other words, imagine a global network of knowledge. The idea is, if I cannot get all facts possibly relevant to my research question, I need to worry about drawing deep conclusions from the rest. Once we have solved that, then we can go into the next round of reasoning services. That may be a CRM extension, but I'd argue not the CRM itself.

So, my feeling (not more than that) is that the reasoner is helped if crm:Py_is_component_of suggests that the subject of the assertion is a thing "functional" in itself, vs. crm:P46i_forms_part_of that suggests otherwise.
If that would be the case, we would need an example in which the same thing can be integrated in one thing as functional component, and in another as non-functional, and the distinction is so frequent, that we would be confused by too many answers otherwise. But, feeling is not enough for the CRM ;-) . We always require enough real data to demonstrate the need.

Of course, we are all free to make extensions for particular applications.
So, what is reasonable for an application, may not be relevant enough to increase
an ISO standard :-) . Anyway always good to think things through...

All the best,



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