I am unclear how your thought experiment of "conceiving" of a right fits into 
the definition of an instance of E30 Right as a "legal privilege". Is your 
experiment is to consider what we might do about contested knowledge about 
instances of E30 Right; to consider fraudulent instances of rights that might 
be represented in knowledge systems as instances of E30 Right or as the basis 
of defining a new class or classes? If the later do you have any examples from 
documentation systems that we could draw on?

To aid my understanding of your sample snippets could you include the Class and 
Property identifiers. The sample for the lament cloth (from the website) is 
very clear, if a little more verbose, but would make your examples easier to 
follow for me.

Your assertion that an instance of E39 Actor P105R has right on E22 Man Made 
Object implies that you believe that instance of E39 Actor did perform the 
activity of holding the right and this can then be represented with an instance 
of E7 Activity. The case of you believing this statement to be untrue is dealt 
with using CRMinf.

PS Representing this in RDF is an implementation issue not a modelling one and 
the SIG has given guidance on possible Open and Closed World resolutions to the 

Stephen Stead
Tel +44 20 8668 3075 
Mob +44 7802 755 013
LinkedIn Profile

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Sanderson [] 
Sent: 15 August 2017 17:23
To:; 'George Bruseker' <>
Cc: 'crm-sig' <>; David Newbury <>
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] End of Existence for Rights?

Dear Stephen, George, all,

To make sure that we’re on the same page, if Rights are to be treated as 
concepts rather than the legal application of the concept, then I can conceive 
of the Right that I personally own Van Gogh’s “Irises”.  Not even that I am 
claiming to own the painting, just the notion of a theoretical ownership. I can 
write that down on a piece of paper and sneak it into our archive, ensuring 
that there is at least one carrier of this Right.  Thus, I could legitimately 
assert the existence of a Right, which applies to Irises and is possessed by me 
… correct?   And the creation of the idea is unrelated to the claimed period 
over which the rights are asserted to be possessed – I can conceive of my 
ownership lasting precisely 15 minutes, in the future. So the utility of 
“Right” as a class is very limited – it has nothing to do with the actual legal 
right of ownership (despite the scope note), it is instead an idea of ownership 
that makes no claim about reality.

If this is a correct understanding, it would be good to update the scope notes 
for E30 to clarify that it’s not the actual legal privileges in any meaningful 

The full extent of what we’re trying to capture is the situation where 
different parties have (legally or just by agreement between them) hold 
different shares in the object.  For example, a partial gift to a museum, where 
the value transfers over time from the donor to the museum (for tax reasons, 
one imagines), or for situations where art dealers collaborate to purchase an 
object, and then share the profits of sale in the same proportions (a good 
example of distinct ownership versus physical custody!).

In order to capture the proportion of ownership as a Dimension, we were very 
happy that has_dimension has a domain of Thing … and thus can be used with 
Conceptual Object and Right.  Right can be partitioned with has component from 
E89.  Thus:

_:r1 a Right ;
  applies_to <painting> ;
  possessed_by <group> ;
  has_component [ 
      a Right ;
      has_dimension [
          a Dimension ;
          has_value 70 ;
          has_unit <percentage> ] ;
      possessed_by <member1> ] ,    
      a Right ;
      has_dimension [
           a Dimension ;
           has_value 30 ;
           has_unit <percentage> ;
      possessed_by <member2> ] .

<group> a Group ;
      has_current_or_former_member <member1>, <member2> .  

Thus, to avoid the transfer of a Right (which cannot be modeled, per previous 
discussions), we create and destroy hierarchical Rights similar to the example 

I agree with George that a new property to assert that the [notion of the] 
Right applies over a particular timespan would be the easiest solution.  Then 
has_type can be used to distinguish between actually legal Rights, and ones 
that are not legally valid or binding.  This would also make the sale of stolen 
objects significantly easier to model – it is the creation of a Right, with a 
has_type for its illegal status, that applies during the period until the item 
is discovered to have been stolen.

In terms of activities, I don’t think that quite fits, even with the 
problematic-in-RDF P16.1.  I could assert that Stephen possesses the 
reproduction rights for the Mona Lisa … that doesn’t imply that Stephen carried 
out any activity.


On 8/15/17, 4:42 AM, "Stephen Stead" <> wrote:

    Dear Rob, George and all,
    George is absolutely correct that the right is the conceptual object of the 
right itself regardless of whether it is current or not. I do not agree that we 
need some new link from the right to time. The simple construct is to use an E7 
Activity that uses a specific object (P16) (The right) and has a participant 
Actor in a specific role. If the right is on another object then that object is 
also a used specific object  (remember P16.1 mode of use is also available). I 
think this covers the scenarios that Rob is trying to deal with but would be 
very interested to see if there are other problem situations.

    Stephen Stead
    Tel +44 20 8668 3075 
    Mob +44 7802 755 013
    LinkedIn Profile

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Crm-sig [] On Behalf Of George 
    Sent: 15 August 2017 09:08
    To: Robert Sanderson <>
    Cc: crm-sig ( <>
    Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] End of Existence for Rights?

    Dear Rob et al.,

    I would say that the modelling of conceptual object and its begin/end 
relation is correct also in this instance. It is not the existence of the right 
qua concept that terminates when the right over something expires. I would 
argue that the right can exist before it comes into validity or goes out of it. 
A right qua power over x lasts as long as its validity. We seem to have an 
equivocation of what we want to invoke by this class, the right qua concept or 
qua power over. Might want to think more about the scope note. But modelling 
wise, I think it might be addressed by having a new property for validity 
period which would define the limits of the right qua power and be distinct 
from its existence. 

    As an example to support my case, I would say that Michael Jackson’s Right 
over the Beatles Catalogue from 1985-2006 continues to exist qua conceptual 
object to this very moment (there are many carriers of this idea and we are 
referring to it now), but its validity period has definitely expired and is 
more or less known. 

    Other ideas?



    > On Aug 15, 2017, at 12:44 AM, Robert Sanderson <> 
    > Dear all,
    > We are looking to express a Right that applies to an Object, such as 
Ownership. As the Right only applies for a limited duration, we had though to 
create the Right as part of the Acquisition of the Object and then to have it 
be taken out of existence by the subsequent Acquisition.  Thus the Right, which 
as previously discussed is specific to the people and objects involved, would 
only be documented as existing when the specific people actually own the 
    > However, Rights are Conceptual Objects, which state in their scope notes:
    >> They [Conceptual Objects] cannot be destroyed. They exist as long as 
they can be found on at least one carrier or in at least one human memory. 
Their existence ends when the last carrier and the last memory are lost
    > So although Rights are Persistent Items and can thus have an End of 
Existence, the scope note for Conceptual Object clarifies that they only 
actually have an End of Existence when there is no memory of them. This means 
for all practical purposes that it can never be used, as if there is no memory 
of it, then there could be no description in CRM of it.
    > This means that we cannot ascribe an end to the Right without ignoring 
the scope notes for Conceptual Object? Or is there another method to provide 
time-limited scope to the application of the legal privileges that the E30 
    > Many thanks,
    > Rob
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