Dear all,

One of the basic place type in <> is :

PPL    populated place    a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work

A populated place in this sense means different things :

1. an agglomeration of buildings;
2. a community of people;
3. the projection of them on the Earth surface.

My question is: how should we model these entities and their relationship ?

1. an agglomeration of buildings -> E24_Physical_Man-Made_Thing or,
   more precisely, B1 Built Work ?
2. a community of people -> E74_Group
   or E4_Period
3. the projection of both on the Earth surface -> E53_Place

"P156_occupies"  links  E24 and E53: but the spatial footprint of E24 (the agglomeration of buildings) can change over time: new, larger city walls are built, etc. Are these different places (E53) which are related to different time-spans ? Or the same place but in a more abstract sense ?

And also: which class is suited for modelling
"FRST    forest(s)    an area dominated by tree vegetation"
"VINS    vineyards    plantings of grapevines" ?

And for mountain or valley ?

Can we model all this just with E53 Place and a vocabulary of types ?

Were can I find some examples for modelling these different kinds of 'Places' using the CRM ?

Thank you for some hints !


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