Further to my previous message - I didn’t scroll down your email to see the 
second part of it - in my opinion the simplest solution to the issue of 
mountains, forests etc. is typification with E55 Type; this may affect E53 
Places, if you can ignore time variation and think of them as natural and 
almost immutable features, as it happens for mountains, valleys etc; or, using 
again an E92 Space-time Volume with types for forests, vineyards, etc. (and 
also for populated places), all of which may change along time. 

Typifying the general solution given in our paper fits also well with the 
Garden of the Hesperides or the Forest of Brocéliande.



Prof. Franco Niccolucci
Director, VAST-LAB
PIN - U. of Florence
Scientific Coordinator

Piazza Ciardi 25
59100 Prato, Italy

> Il giorno 25 ago 2017, alle ore 23:54, Francesco Beretta 
> <francesco.bere...@ish-lyon.cnrs.fr> ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> One of the basic place type in geonames.org is :
> PPL    populated place    a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of 
> buildings where people live and work
> A populated place in this sense means different things : 
>       • an agglomeration of buildings;
>       • a community of people;
>       • the projection of them on the Earth surface.
> My question is: how should we model these entities and their relationship ?
>       • an agglomeration of buildings -> E24_Physical_Man-Made_Thing or, more 
> precisely, B1 Built Work ?
>       • a community of people -> E74_Group or E4_Period
>       • the projection of both on the Earth surface -> E53_Place
> "P156_occupies"  links  E24 and E53: but the spatial footprint of E24 (the 
> agglomeration of buildings) can change over time: new, larger city walls are 
> built, etc. 
> Are these different places (E53) which are related to different time-spans ? 
> Or the same place but in a more abstract sense ?
> And also: which class is suited for modelling 
> "FRST    forest(s)    an area dominated by tree vegetation" 
> or 
> "VINS    vineyards    plantings of grapevines" ?
> And for mountain or valley ?
> Can we model all this just with E53 Place and a vocabulary of types ?
> Were can I find some examples for modelling these different kinds of 'Places' 
> using the CRM ?
> Thank you for some hints !
> Francesco
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