Happy to help (and I hope Christian-Emil agrees !)
I’d be interested to see the final result :)
Have a nice day,

On Fri 27 Oct 2017 at 11:39 "Florian Kräutli" < ">"Florian Kräutli" > wrote:

> Great! I think we can work with that. I'll let you know how we proceed.
> Thank you both for your help!
> Florian
> On 27. Oct 2017, at 11:37, Pierre Choffé < choffepie...@gmail.com > wrote:
> Yes, a P46_is_composed_of could link the F5 (codex) to its parts F5
> (manuscripts).
> Pierre
> On Fri 27 Oct 2017 at 11:28 "Florian Kräutli" < ">"Florian Kräutli" >
> wrote:
>> Dear Pierre,
>> many thanks for this! I think seeing this as two processes makes sense.
>> I sketched your description as I was reading along: 
>> https://photos.app.goo.gl/Xhd6yxZEpQldwqHK2
>> Is that correct?
>> The part where we struggled in our own scheme is the relation between the
>> physical instance of the codex and the physical copies of the manuscripts
>> that are bound within them. Through the relation between the expression of
>> the F17 and the expressions of the original manuscript, the relation on
>> the content level is clear. But how can we make the relation between
>> material copies (the ? link in the diagram).
>> Now that I look at it, should the F22 of the F17 incorporate the F24
>> Publication Expression of the copy of the original manuscript? I guess
>> that would make the connection between a specific physical copy and the
>> codex.
>> All best,
>> Florian
>> On 27. Oct 2017, at 11:01, Pierre Choffé < choffepie...@gmail.com > wrote:
>> Dear Florian, dear Christian-Emil,
>> I hope this finds you well. Just a few words about this interesting
>> discussion if I may. If I understand well: 
>> * the codices we are talking about are collections  of manuscripts
>> * there can be multiple versions of the same codex
>> * there can exist other codices incorporating either part of, or all of
>> the manuscripts plus other manuscripts, thus differentiating themselves
>> from the above
>> am I wrong if I say we have 2 “industrial" production processes, one of
>> manuscripts on the one hand, and one of codices on the other hand? These
>> should be described separately.
>> It starts off simple: we have an author creating a Work (F15) realising an
>> Expression (F22), and an original manuscript (F4 Manifestation Singleton)
>> carrying the Expression.
>> Then at some point we have copies of the original manuscript. This is the
>> first industrial process, resulting in the production of F5 Items (new
>> manuscripts) R6 carrying a F24 Publication Expression, itself P165
>> incorporating the original F22 Self-Contained Expression (or not, or not
>> exactly, but this is another discussion).
>> The second one is more complex. Being a “collection”, I would suggest that
>> the codex is an F17 Aggregation Work (subclass of F14 and F16), which
>> realises an F22 Self-Contained Expression (the expression of the
>> collection) which itself P165_incorporates as many F22 as there are
>> manuscripts. Note that a manuscript is a carrier, so it can carry one or
>> multiple Expressions (e.g. poems).
>> There we have a second industrial process resulting in the production of
>> F5 Items (the codices) R6 carrying a F24 Publication Expression, itself
>> P165 incorporating the original F22 Self-Contained Expression (the
>> expression of the collection).
>> If I have time I will try to make a schema, but I hope this is clear (and
>> correct!).
>> I am sure there are complex cases, where the same manuscript can be found
>> in completely different codices, or where manuscripts differ, etc. but I
>> think this modelling allows for describing all sorts of situations. Or
>> not?
>> Have a nice day, 
>> Pierre
>> On Fri 27 Oct 2017 at 09:45 "Florian Kräutli" < ">"Florian Kräutli" >
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Christian-Emil,
>>> Thanks for your reply. I will check back on this, but as far as I
>>> understood, the manuscripts in a codex have been purposely bound together.
>>> There can exist several codices with the same arrangement of manuscripts.
>>> I think in this context we could see the manuscripts a result of an
>>> industrial production. They are manual copies, hence are not unique in the
>>> way that I understand a F4 Manifestation Singleton to be unique (both
>>> intellectually and physically)
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Florian
>>>> _______________________________________________ 
>>>> Crm-sig mailing list 
>>>> Crm-sig@ics.forth.gr 
>>>> http://lists.ics.forth.gr/mailman/listinfo/crm-sig 
>>> On 26. Oct 2017, at 19:29, Christian-Emil Smith Ore < c.e.s....@iln.uio.no
>>> > wrote:
>>> A small question about a codex containing several manuscripts: Is there
>>> any relationship between the manuscripts (that is, the text they carry) or
>>> is it simply a handy way to handle several manuscripts?  The latter is the
>>> case for some Nordic Medieval codices where the codix is simply a batch of
>>> non related  texts.  
>>> In the recent CRM SIG meeting it was a long dicussion if a manuscript
>>> could be seen as a result of a (production) plan and thus should be an
>>> item of an  F3 Manifestation Product Type.  If so what is the
>>> Manifestation Singleton realising the original expression of the codex
>>> manuscript. Would you claim that the codices are a result of an idustrial
>>> production, mutatis mutandis​?
>>> Best,
>>> Christian-Emil
>>> *From:* Crm-sig < crm-sig-boun...@ics.forth.gr > on behalf of Florian
>>> Kräutli < fkraeu...@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de >
>>> *Sent:* 26 October 2017 15:27
>>> *To:* crm-sig@ics.forth.gr
>>> *Subject:* [Crm-sig] Modelling bound manuscript copies
>>> Dear all,
>>> We're working on a CIDOC-CRM/FRBRoo model to represent a collection of
>>> Islamic manuscripts
>>> It is organised into Codices. Further we have the concepts of Witness and
>>> Text. A Witness is a manuscript – a hand produced copy – of a Text. A
>>> Codex contains several Witnesses bound together.
>>> A Codex can exist several times, similar to a copy of a book, and appear
>>> in catalogues of other collections. However, the copies of the Codices are
>>> hand-made, binding together several Witnesses.
>>> Our difficulty when modelling this comes due to the definition of F5 Item
>>> and F4 Manifestation Singleton in FRBRoo. It would make sense to model our
>>> copy of a Codex as an F5 Item, being an example of F3 Manifestation
>>> Product Type. However, the scope note of F5 states that it is an object
>>> produced through an industrial process, e.g. printing. The physical texts
>>> that are bound together in a codex are however manual transcriptions. The
>>> definition of F4 Manifestation Singletons for the Witnesses is however
>>> also not appropriate, as we know several transcriptions of the same text
>>> exist. F5 Item would be more appropriate for our Witnesses, but does it
>>> apply in our case?
>>> Another difficulty is when modelling the Codex as a binding together of
>>> physical manuscripts and the texts they hold. Our direction is to model a
>>> Codex as F15 Complex Work, that is realised in a F24 Publication
>>> Expression carried by an E84 Information Carrier. The Texts are then F14
>>> Individual Work (as members of F15) realised in F22 Self-Contained
>>> Expression (as components of F24). The Witnesses are  E84 Information
>>> Carriers that carry said F22 and P48 compose the E84 Information Carrier
>>> that carries the F24. We did not use F4 or F5 here. Does this make sense?
>>> (See sketch: 
>>> https://oc.rz-berlin.mpg.de/owncloud/index.php/s/AXJLkRmv0E00ecM
>>> )
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Florian

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