On 1/8/2018 4:25 PM, Øyvind Eide wrote:
Dear Martin, and all,

it looks good to me. Given the deprecation of E84 it could be nice to add a sentence to the scope note of E24, something like:

”Instances of this class can act as carriers of instances of E73 Information Object.”
OK, see below!



Am 04.01.2018 um 18:39 schrieb Martin Doerr <mar...@ics.forth.gr <mailto:mar...@ics.forth.gr>>:

Dear All,

Here my proposals:

    "ISSUE 295

Following Martin’s proposal to remove class E84 since it does not satisfy the requirements proposed on issue 340, the sig proposed the examples of material carrier of a digital object to be moved to E24 of an E25 digital feature and possibly to E78 οr put example for E78 of Server holding Digital Asset Management.

Finally, the sig asked Martin to make an example. The issue will be complete with examples. It is decided to be created a new issue for covering the discussion aboutE84 staying or going"

*I propose:


      E84 Information Carrier

Subclass of:E22 <x-msg://33/#_E22_Man-Made_Object> Man-Made Object

Scope note:This class comprises all instances of E22 Man-Made Object that are explicitly designed to act as persistent physical carriers for instances of E73 Information Object.

An E84 Information Carrier may or may not contain information, e.g., a diskette. Note that any E18 Physical Thing may carry information, such as an E34 Inscription. However, unless it was specifically designed for this purpose, it is not an Information Carrier. Therefore the property /P128 carries (is carried by)/ applies to E18 Physical Thing in general.


§the Rosetta Stone
§my paperback copy of Crime & Punishment
§the computer disk at ICS-FORTH that stores the canonical Definition of the CIDOC CRM

In First Order Logic:

E84(x) ⊃E22(x)

*New examples in:*

*E78 Curated Holding***

Subclass of: E24 <x-msg://33/#_E24_Physical_Man-Made_Thing> Physical Man-Made Thing

Scope note:This class comprises aggregations of instances of E18 Physical Thing that are assembled and maintained (“curated” and “preserved,” in museological terminology) by one or more instances of E39 Actor over time for a specific purpose and audience, and according to a particular collection development plan.Typical instances of curated holdings are museum collections, archives, library holdings and digital libraries. A digital library is regarded as an instance of E18 Physical Thing because it requires keeping physical carriers of the electronic content.

Items may be added or removed from an E78 Curated Holding in pursuit of this plan. This class should not be confused with the E39 Actor maintaining the E78 Curated Holding often referred to with the name of the E78 Curated Holding (e.g. “The Wallace Collection decided…”).

Collective objects in the general sense, like a tomb full of gifts, a folder with stamps or a set of chessmen, should be documented as instances of E19 Physical Object, and not as instances of E78 Curated Holding. This is because they form wholes either because they are physically bound together or because they are kept together for their functionality.


§the John Clayton Herbarium
§the Wallace Collection
§Mikael Heggelund Foslie’s coralline red algae Herbarium at Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, Trondheim, Norway §The Digital Collections of the Munich DigitiZation Center (MDZ) accessible via https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/ at least in January 2018.

In First Order Logic:

E78(x) ⊃E24(x)

*E24 Physical Man-Made **Thing***

Subclass of:E18 <x-msg://33/#_E18_Physical_Thing> Physical Thing

E71 <x-msg://33/#_E71_Man-Made_Thing>Man-Made Thing

Superclass of: E22 <x-msg://33/#_E22_Man-Made_Object>Man-Made Object

E25 <x-msg://33/#_E25_Man-Made_Feature>Man-Made Feature
E78 <x-msg://33/#_E78_Collection>Collection

Scope Note:This class comprises all persistent physical items that are purposely created by human activity.

This class comprises man-made objects, such as a swords, and man-made features, such as rock art. No assumptions are made as to the extent of modification required to justify regarding an object as man-made. For example, a “cup and ring” carving on bedrock is regarded as instance of E24 Physical Man-Made Thing. In particular it includes all material carriers of information such as books, inscribed stones ,writings on walls, sherds or digital media.
§the Forth Railway Bridge (E22)
§the Channel Tunnel (E25)
§the Historical Collection of the Museum Benaki in Athens (E78)
§the Rosetta Stone (E22)
§my paperback copy of Crime & Punishment (E22)
§the computer disk at ICS-FORTH that stores the canonical Definition of the CIDOC CRM (E22)
§my empty DVD disk (E22)

In First Order Logic:

E24(x) ⊃E18(x)

E24(x) ⊃E71(x)


P62 <x-msg://33/#_P62_depicts_%28is_depicted%20by%29> depicts (is depicted by): E1 <x-msg://33/#_E1_CRM_Entity> CRM Entity
(P62.1 mode of depiction: E55 <x-msg://33/#_E55_Type> Type)
P65 <x-msg://33/#_P65_shows_visual_item%20%28is%20shown%20by%29> shows visual item (is shown by): E36 <x-msg://33/#_E36_Visual_Item> Visual Item

*Scope Note extension:**

*E25 Man-Made Feature***

Subclass of:E24 <x-msg://33/#_E24_Physical_Man-Made_Thing> Physical Man-Made Thing

E26 <x-msg://33/#_E26_Physical_Feature>Physical Feature

Scope Note:This class comprises physical features that are purposely created by human activity, such as scratches, artificial caves, artificial water channels, etc. In particular it includes the information encoding features on mechanical or digital carriers.

No assumptions are made as to the extent of modification required to justify regarding a feature as man-made. For example, rock art or even “cup and ring” carvings on bedrock a regarded as types of E25 Man-Made Feature.


§the Manchester Ship Canal
§Michael Jackson’s nose following plastic surgery
§The laser-readable “pits” engraved June 2014 in my CD-R, copying songs of Edith Piaf’s.
§The carved letters on the Rosetta Stone

In First Order Logic:

E25(x) ⊃E26(x)

E25(x) ⊃E24(x)

  Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
  Research Director             |  Fax:+30(2810)391638        |
                                |  Email:mar...@ics.forth.gr  |
                Center for Cultural Informatics               |
                Information Systems Laboratory                |
                 Institute of Computer Science                |
    Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   |
                N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,             |
                 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece               |
              Web-site:http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl            |
Crm-sig mailing list
Crm-sig@ics.forth.gr <mailto:Crm-sig@ics.forth.gr>

 Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
 Research Director             |  Fax:+30(2810)391638        |
                               |  Email: mar...@ics.forth.gr |
               Center for Cultural Informatics               |
               Information Systems Laboratory                |
                Institute of Computer Science                |
   Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   |
               N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,             |
                GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece               |
             Web-site: http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl           |

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