
Further to my previous question, and following a trawl through CRMgeo, I
have another one. :-)

How should one represent an administrative unit (such as Burgess Hill,
being the entity which is managed by Burgess Hill Town Council) using
the CRM?  It's not a place (certainly not as defined in E53_Place); nor
is it an E74_Group.  It's the result of collective human actions and
decisions.  Administrative units have a temporal dimension, so should be
a subclass of E7_Activity.  They have physical extent (possibly changing
over time).  There are different types of administrative unit, some of
which are specifically relevant to cultural heritage studies:
registration districts; census 'pieces'.

Administrative units are created, destroyed, merged with other
administrative units, etc. They have relationships with other
administrative units, both generic containment/adjacency ones, and also
more specific 'administered by' ones.

Many local museum collections cite administrative units when recording
information about the provenance of objects ("metalworking tools from
Little Potton").  They are central to much genealogical research.

What do others think?  Out of scope?


*Richard Light*

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