Vote: NO

Having both creates incompatibility between systems that use one or the other. 
Every query, in a system that does not do inferencing, would need to test for 
each class. The representations of the data would also be wildly inconsistent, 
making the simple consumption of a representation of the data significantly 

From: Crm-sig <> on behalf of Martin Doerr 
Date: Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 9:39 AM
To: crm-sig <>
Subject: [Crm-sig] ISSUE Label-free RDF classes PLEASE VOTE

Dear All,

The current text "Expressing
the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model in RDF" 

contains the phrase:
"In addition, for convenience of implementation we have defined number-only 
classes and properties e.g. “E63” or “P2”, and declared each of them to be 
equivalent to the corresponding full form"

In the past, this option was provided and widely rejected by users. I do not 
know of any installation using it.

It was proposed again because CRM-SIG reserves the right to change labels 
without changing the code ("E63", "P2" etc.), in cases when the meaning is 
preserved but the existing label causes confusion and can be replaced by a more 
fitting or at least less confusing one. These changes are very rare, and 
explicit in the amendment of the respective version.

Those of you who support:
"In addition, for convenience of implementation we have defined number-only 
classes and properties e.g. “E63” or “P2”, and declared each of them to be 
equivalent to the corresponding full form"
 please vote YES.

Those of you who support:
"The English label is part of the definition of the RDF classes and properties. 
Number-only classes and properties e.g. “E63” or “P2”, are not provided". Other 
means of supporting migration between label versions to be discussed.

please vote NO.

(Those who believe the issue is not sufficiently formulated please vote "VETO". 
One or more "VETO" will stop the e-mail vote as a whole and postpone it to the 
next physical meeting)





 Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |

 Research Director             |  Fax:+30(2810)391638        |

                               |  Email:<> |


               Center for Cultural Informatics               |

               Information Systems Laboratory                |

                Institute of Computer Science                |

   Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   |


               N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,             |

                GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece               |


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