
Conservators use a range of materials for their treatments. The treatments can be modelled as "E7 Activity" and the "P125 used object of type" describes things used during the activity. The scope note only refers to objects (i.e. solid human-made things). It would be useful if the scope of this property could be broader to also include non-solid things such as fluids (e.g. the use of a type of solvent for cleaning). Unless this can be described in another way I suggest to change the scope note of P125 from:

This property defines the kind of objects used in an E7 Activity, when the specific instance is either unknown or not of interest, such as use of "a hammer".


This property defines the kind of physical things (solid and non-solid) used in an E7 Activity, when the specific instance is either unknown or not of interest, such as use of "a hammer" or the use of "toluene".

The alternative would be to create a new property in CRMsci to include types of Material Substantial, but given that the range of P125 is only E55 Type, the nature of the thing can be easily retrieved and I do not think a new property is necessary.

Any other suggestions?

All the best,


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