Dear George,

On 10/8/2020 5:29 PM, George Bruseker wrote:
Dear Martin,

CRMdig does need a review, and CRMPe would be good to merge with it. I guess it's about finding the time / forum. For my particular modelling question, I am happy with the solution filed above. Eventually, though yes finding these border relations between family models should come on to the work horizon!

    I think we should first review D1 and CRMDig, see how it fits to
    the definitions from the PARTHENOS project. Then, we should
    identify a set of issues, in particular check the
    boundaries and overlaps with the other CRM extensions.

    I'd rather take a digital object to be one that has an exhaustive
    representation in binary format, regardless whether this is done
    in cuneiform script or on electronic media.

You mean it is 'persistent'... in the Parthenos sense?

    Since there are subtle implementation issues about where to stop
    ontological representation and use data objects directly within a
    KB, we should also finish the issue about how to represent a file.

Also  would be great to have a FAQ on this since everyone does it differently. Maybe if we have time in the agenda at next SIG?
I'd support that!





 Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece

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