Dear all,

Just a general question to the crowd.

Sometimes one has transcribed data of a very simple form.

A is supposed to represent B and it has been copied by someone with the
intention of so doing.

A is a transcription of B

A [E33] is a transcription of B [E33]

This could be modelled numerous ways using CIDOC CRM. If one is looking for
the most direct/binary way, I suppose that the only choice is "p130 shows
features of". If you wanted to capture the mode of relation then you would
use p130.1 has type and indicate 'transcription'.

I notice, however, that we do have 'has translation' as a sub property of
P130 shows features of, as an apparently useful to the community binary
property specializing P130 to that specific scenario.

Has anyone else done modelling of transcriptions before with the aim of not
recording the event but only the binary relation and if so, did you come up
with any interesting solutions?

A property would be handy in case anyone has created and published a
specialization that could just be reused?

Thanks for any insight! Maybe I miss an obvious trick from LRM?

All the best,

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