Dear all,

Reconsidering the whole exchanges in this issue, and the examples, notably those by Martin on November 9th, it appears that the information we want to model is:

this instance of E41 Appellation (i.e. a name as identifier of an entity) is *used* in this language (E56) — formerly or now, this is another topic.

So, the simplest solution (as a shortcut of longer ones but making sense in the context of the examples brought by George) is to add a property:

E41 Appellation --> is (was ?) used in --> E56 Language.

This solution avoids adding persistent item classes, which is somehow cumbersome, it copes with the problem and brings the information to the conceptual model in a concise and stringent way, without engaging in the ontological discussion about the language in which an appellation *is* (was created in this language, is used as such, etc. etc.).

The substance of the property, given all the examples you brought, seems to be quite clear: we can observe (through text and speach acts) that an appellation is used in a language as a valid identifier of an entity.



Le 05.12.22 à 08:51, George Bruseker via Crm-sig a écrit :
Dear all,

Issue 624 can be found here:

The discussion revolves around adding a class to the specification and not just the rdfs which represents the phenomenon of names being in languages.

The homework for the issue can be found in this google doc:



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