Dear All,

I think this is  a good proposal what concerns the Appellation itself. If solves the names of universals and the personal name provenance. It does however not reflect the appellations for specific instances in a given language, such as the ten thousands in the TGN.

The subtle point is that rdf label is private to the domain instance, as is LRM Nomen. Therefore the RDF language tags on labels are not on the Appellation, but on the link instance, and hence cannot be transferred to such a model.

Using a range property instead of a link property is a logical error, because it creates non-sensical associations.

Which of all these do we want, and how to model the latter?



On 12/6/2022 2:11 PM, Francesco Beretta via Crm-sig wrote:
Dear all,

Reconsidering the whole exchanges in this issue, and the examples, notably those by Martin on November 9th, it appears that the information we want to model is:

this instance of E41 Appellation (i.e. a name as identifier of an entity) is *used* in this language (E56) — formerly or now, this is another topic.

So, the simplest solution (as a shortcut of longer ones but making sense in the context of the examples brought by George) is to add a property:

E41 Appellation --> is (was ?) used in --> E56 Language.

This solution avoids adding persistent item classes, which is somehow cumbersome, it copes with the problem and brings the information to the conceptual model in a concise and stringent way, without engaging in the ontological discussion about the language in which an appellation *is* (was created in this language, is used as such, etc. etc.).

The substance of the property, given all the examples you brought, seems to be quite clear: we can observe (through text and speach acts) that an appellation is used in a language as a valid identifier of an entity.



Le 05.12.22 à 08:51, George Bruseker via Crm-sig a écrit :
Dear all,

Issue 624 can be found here:

The discussion revolves around adding a class to the specification and not just the rdfs which represents the phenomenon of names being in languages.

The homework for the issue can be found in this google doc:



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