Dear all,

Happy New Year! Please consider the following for an e-vote. This are the pending examples for CRMsci:

*Example for S15 Observable Entity:*


   the flight of a male Bearded Vulture observed over Heraklion, Crete
   in the morning of the 24^th of October 2020 (E5) (Claes, 2020)

Claes, J. (2020) /Bearded Vulture - Gypaetus barbatus/, / Available at: (Accessed: 20 December 2022).

*Example for S19 Encounter Event:*


   the encounter of the marble floor of the Villa of the Papyri in
   Herculaneum during the digging of a well in 1750 (S19) (Koekoe, 2017)

Koekoe, J. (2017) ‘Herculaneum: Villa of the Papyri – World History et cetera’, 17 January. Available at: (Accessed: 20 December 2022).


   the encounter of oak planks from a ship during a dig in a mound at
   the farm Lille Oseberg in Norway in 1908 (S19) (‘Oseberg Ship’,
   Wikipedia, 2022)

‘Oseberg Ship’ (2022) /Wikipedia/. Available at: <> (Accessed: 20 December 2022).

*Example for O19 encountered object:*


   The encounter of a marble floor during the digging of a well in 1750
   (S19) /encountered object /the Villa of the Papyri in Herculaneum
   (E18). (Koekoe, 2017)

Koekoe, J. (2017) ‘Herculaneum: Villa of the Papyri – World History et cetera’, 17 January. Available at: (Accessed: 20 December 2022).


   The encounter of oak planks from a ship during a dig in a mound at
   the farm Lille Oseberg in Norway, in 1908 (S19) /encountered object
   /the Oseberg Ship (E18). (‘Oseberg Ship’, Wikipedia, 2022)

‘Oseberg Ship’ (2022) /Wikipedia/. Available at: <> (Accessed: 20 December 2022).

*Example for O21 encountered at:*


   The encounter of the Oseberg Shipin 1908 (S19) /encountered at /the
   farm Lille Oseberg in Norway (E53). (‘Oseberg Ship’, Wikipedia, 2022)

‘Oseberg Ship’ (2022) /Wikipedia/. Available at: <> (Accessed: 20 December 2022).

*Examples for O31 has validity time-span:*


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by captain Smith
   after hitting an iceberg (S23) /has validity time-span/ from 15
   April 1912 23:40 to 15 April 1912 00:15(E52) [This was the time-span
   between hitting the iceberg and ordering for a distress signal
   (time-span A). Captain Smith measured the position during a
   time-span B within time-span A. [The two time-spans can be related
   with property 'P86 falls within'] (Tikkanen, 2022)


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by officer Joseph G.
   Boxhall after the initial distress signal was sent (S23) /has
   validity time-span/ from 15 April 1912 00:15to 15 April 1912
   00:20(E52) [This was valid in a time-span between the 00:15 and
   00:20, i.e. duringthe position re-measuringwith more precision]
   (Tikkanen, 2022)


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by Robert Ballard
   after the Titanic ship-wreck was found (S23) /has validity
   time-span/ 1 September 1985 12:48 (E52) (‘Wreck of the Titanic’,
   Wikipedia, 2022)

Tikkanen, A. (no date) ‘Timeline of the Titanic’s Final Hours’, /Britannica/. Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2022). ‘Wreck of the Titanic’ (2022) /Wikipedia/. Available at: <> (Accessed: 8 November 2022).

***Example for O25 contains:*


   The opal specimen from Jalisco in Mexico (E18) contains the fluid
   inclusion of the specimen (S14). (Rentro, 2019)

Rentro, N. (2019) ‘Mexican Opal with Large Fluid Inclusion’, /Gems & Gemology/, 55(2), pp. 260–269.

Please vote YES if you are happy to include these examples, or vote NO and explain which ones are not good enough. For minor issues that you picked up please vote YES with a note for the correction.

All the best,

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