Dear all,

At the 50th CIDOC CRM SIG meeting, I presented a prototype web application (meeting topic "A pedagogical graph-based visualization tool for CRM") for users to learn to model using an interactive graph when given modeling tasks.

The original prototype was never followed up, but as part of a thesis I'm writing, I revisited the idea and spent some time developing a successor, with an increased focus on a task system where tasks are divided into several exemplary levels of varying difficulty, and a system that allows users to search & explore relevant parts of the documentation without leaving the application.

To evaluate this application, I am now looking for willing and helpful testers to see if this gamified approach works for understanding the basic concepts of the CRM, and if the ubiquitous, searchable documentation tool within the application encourages exploration of the available classes and properties of the CRM.

If you have time and are interested, the hosted web application is currently available here:

As this is also my first post to the mailing list, I hope I have not disturbed its peace and that this message finds its readers.

All the best and many thanks,
Kai Niebes
Institute for Digital Humanities
University of Cologne

PS: Due to the focus of my thesis, the application is strictly intended as an educational modeling tool, not as a general modeling tool, therefore no import or export functionality of any kind is included.

Additional notes for the interested reader:
* The code will be released under an open source license sometime in September when I finish my thesis. * The main frameworks used to develop the web application are Angular and Cytoscape.JS. * I would also like to test & evaluate the application with students unfamiliar with the CRM, but it is the semester break right now.

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