Dear Christian-Emil,

I agree with all you write. The quantification should be (1,1:0,n) for all subproperties you have listed.



On 3/19/2024 8:52 AM, Christian-Emil Smith Ore wrote:

Dear Martin,

I have read this issue a little late. I have no problem with your argumentation. There may be a side effect.


Quantification: many to many, necessary (1,n:0,n)

For all x,y we have P37(x,y) ⇒P141(x,y)

Since the quantification of P35 is (1,n:0,n), then it may exist  P37(a,b) and P37(a,c) and b is not c. (if not the quantification should be (1,1:0,n). From the subproperty definition

P37(a,b) ⇒ P141(a,b) and P37(a,c) ⇒ P141(a,c)

so we can conclude that P141(a,b) and P141(a,c) which  contradicts the proposed quantification (1,1:0,n) of P141. In general a subproperty cannot have a less restrictive quantification than its superproperty. If I am correct we have check the scopenotes of

P34, P35, P37, P38, P40, P42

P140 assigned attribute to (was attributed by)

Domain: E13Attribute Assignment Range:E1CRM Entity

Superproperty of:

E14 Condition Assessment. P34 concerned (was assessed by): E18Physical Thing [ (1,n:0,n), not OK]

E16 Measurement. P39 measured (was measured by): E18Physical Thing [OK]

E17 Type Assignment. P41 classified (was classified by): E1 CRM Entity  [OK]

P141 assigned (was assigned by)

Domain: E13Attribute Assignment

Range:E1CRM Entity

Superproperty of:

E14 Condition Assessment. P35 has identified (identified by): Ε3 Condition State  [ (1,n:0,n), not OK]

E15 Identifier Assignment. P37 assigned (was assigned by): E42 Identifier  [ (0,n:0,n), not OK]

E15 Identifier Assignment. P38 deassigned (was deassigned by): E42 Identifier  [ (0,n:0,n), not OK]

E16 Measurement. P40 observed dimension (was observed in): E54Dimension [ (1,n:0,n), not OK]

E17 Type Assignment. P42 assigned (was assigned by): E55 Type [ (1,n:0,n), not OK]

In all the scopepnotes (P34, P35, P37, P38, P40, P42 ) the instance of the range is in singular number. So the quantifications can be adjusted without problem.

*From:* Crm-sig <> on behalf of Martin Doerr via Crm-sig <>
*Sent:* 24 January 2024 19:09
*To:* crm-sig
*Subject:* [Crm-sig] New ISSUE: Quantifiers of P140,P141,P177
Dear All,

I remember a discussion about the quantifiers of P140, P141, assigns attribute...

As it stands now, they are both

"many to many (0,n:0,n)".

P177 assigned property of type, has

"many to many, necessary (1,n:0,n)"

Firstly, all must be necessary. you cannot assign a property type without a domain and range.

Secondly, the scope notes of all these properties do use singular, "the":

"This property associates an instance of E13 Attribute Assignment with the type of property or relation that this assignment maintains to hold between *the item* to which it assigns an attribute and *the attribute* itself"

Thirdly, multiple values confuse which is which.

I remember a discussion that, theoretically, if you have:

a) one domain, one type, many ranges

b) many domains, one type, one range

c) one domain, many types, one range,

The propositions are well defined. I assume that this discussion was never ended, nor such constraints be formulated in Logic. I doubt it can be in FOL, and is, for any user, utterly *confusing*.

The quantifiers must be: "many to one, necessary (1,1:0,n)"

Generalizing single property assigments for *ISSUE 602*, this *must *be resolved.



  Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
  Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
  Institute of Computer Science
  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece Web-site:

 Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece Web-site:
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