The EF hasn't taken over yet. We've approached this like we 
approached git and gerrit: set up a server, give access to experts, provide 
support to them while they sorted it out. Once the experts have it sorted out, 
the EF takes over responsibility, works out robustness, and scalability issues, 

We're still very much in the first stage. If something needs to be done better 
or different, we are dependent on experts stepping up to weigh in and help.

Am I naive to think that this is a point-in-time issue?

In my mind, the ideal is that we have as the official 
repository. Projects can deploy directly to it from Hudson. We can 
replicate selected artifacts from there to Maven Central and anywhere else they 
need to go. 

This is very much like what we do with our git repositories and GitHub today. 
There is vendor neutrality because we can easily accommodate alternative 
vendors who want to do something similar.

FWIW, I'm in favour of a project like Tycho doing what needs to be done in the 
short term while we sort this out. By its nature, Tycho needs to be in a Maven 
repo. However, in the long term, vendor neutrality issues need to be addressed.


Gunnar Wagenknecht <> wrote:

>Am 09.12.2011 07:13, schrieb Igor Fedorenko:
>> I honestly think you are overreacting. is just an
>> artifact repository, a file server essentially.
>Vendor neutrality is important. Why isn't it possible to publish to
> (or and then mirror the bits
>you need?
>Becoming a mirror is dead easy.
>> Third, has to be officially supported part of eclipse
>> infrastructure and treated the same way as from
>> availability and reliability point of view.
>From what I've heard, Maven/Tycho will play an important role in the
>coming common build infrastructure. Thus, I think that it may be
>possible to support that system like Hudson.
>> Things like 365727 [1] simply should not happen.
>Frankly, I don't really see who is too blame for the issue. It could
>very likely be a bug in the software being used. It could also be a user
>error. In any case, you certainly can't expect that such issues won't
>happen even if you hire dedicated server operators.
>> Fourth, Eclipse Foundation needs to decide if should
>> be synced to the Central repository or not and negotiate with Sonatype
>> conditions and procedures if the sync is desired.
>That confuses me a bit. Anybody is free to setup an Eclipse mirror at
>their will. No negotiation is necessary. Can't Sonatype just mirror
> as others mirror I'm pretty sure
>Denis is willing to allow rsync from as well.
>Gunnar Wagenknecht
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