/shared isn't explicitly read-only. I think Matt was referring to the fact that the hudsonbuild user does not have write access to /shared/technology. I'm re-running some ACL scripts -- please let me know if this is still broken for you in a few hours from now.


On 03/05/2012 10:20 AM, Markus Knauer wrote:
Thanks for that info... is the read-only access to /shared permanent, or will it be changed in the (near) future to its old state? My understanding was that this is the place where we could store and work with possibly large build artifacts.

Sorry if this has been asked somewhere else, but there are so many discussions around Hudson that I may have missed one.


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 16:05, Webmaster(Matt Ward) <webmas...@eclipse.org <mailto:webmas...@eclipse.org>> wrote:

        One is the web interface. It's painful slow today and/or I am
        getting our 'Bad Gateway' error. The same problems are shown
        when I try to update any of my job configurations. Maybe it's
        a bandwidth problem, maybe a problem with Hudson. Are others
        having the same problem?

    The interface seems responsive from here.  In the past the gateway
    error has implied that Winstone(no longer used) was running out of
    resources to serve content.  But I also see a 'flood' of requests
    today from:

    Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique 904
    SAP AG, Walldorf   842

    So it may just be bandwidth/load.

        The next problem is the file system access. Is
        /shared/technology available or what's the status there? I
        thought it should be accessible but every attempt to
        create/add/modify anything there ends up with error messages
        like this

    It's mounted, but the Hudson user/group has no access(ownership)
    on that dir so it can only read.

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