> I cloned the simrel repo on Windows using the latest nightly build and 
nothing is marked dirty.

Be aware of items I documented in bug 387427

Namely, I may have "fixed" part of the problem by normalizing EOLs in 
three files to UNIX EOLs (LF). 
The interesting thing (to me) was that Eclipse would let me invoke the 
"change line delimiter" function on these files until I associated the 
file types (b3aggrcon, b3aggr) to "XML". 
That was enough, apparently, for at least Eclipse to recognize them as 
"text" files, instead of binary, and allowed me to change EOLs to LF. 
Sorry if I messed up your test case :/

Just FYI. 

From:   Robin Rosenberg <robin.rosenberg.li...@dewire.com>
To:     Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@eclipse.org>, 
Date:   08/17/2012 03:15 PM
Subject:        Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] EGit / line ending problems 
with simrel repo
Sent by:        cross-project-issues-dev-boun...@eclipse.org

Eike Stepper skrev 2012-08-16 06.52:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a Windows box and my clone of org.eclipse.simrel.build 
marks files dirty that I have not touched myself. Currently this is the 
case for:
>      mdt-ocl.b2aggrcon
>      webtools.b2aggrcon
> My Git system config file contains:
>      [core]
>        autocrlf = true
> Egit displays no values for the *system* configuration in the properties 
view (UI bug? core bug? any bug??).
> Egit displays a duplicate value ("[true][true]") for the *global* 
configuration in the properties view (UI bug? core bug? any bug??).

I cloned the simrel repo on Windows using the latest nightly build and 
nothing is marked dirty.

$ cat /u/.gitconfig
         email = robin.rosenb...@dewire.com
         name = Robin Rosenberg

$ cat /etc/gitconfig
         symlinks = false
         autocrlf = true
         diff = auto
         status = auto
         branch = auto
         interactive = true
         packSizeLimit = 2g
         format = html
         sslCAinfo = /bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt
         smtpserver = /bin/msmtp.exe

[diff "astextplain"]
         textconv = astextplain
         autosquash = true

Eclipse finds the git system config in C:\Program Files\Git\etc\gitconfig 
and nothing looks strange in the config.

If I compare an unchanhged file with HEAD revison all lines are marked 
changed, so that's a bug.

-- robin

-- robin

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