I am missing release information for the following projects that have declared intent to participate in Kepler.

C/C++ Development Tools (CDT)
Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK)
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF)
Runtime Packaging Project (RTP)
Ecore Tools
Extended Editing Framework (EEF)
Jubula Functional Testing Tool
MDT XSD (XML Schema Definition)
Maven Integration for Web Tools Platform
SCA Tools

In some cases, it may be that I just can't sort out what release you want to include, or maybe you're planning to include a release that does not occur on the Kepler release date (which I find weird, but is otherwise okay).

If you have not done so already, please visit your project's information page and create a release record for Kepler and then please let me know either on this list or via direct email so that I can update the Kepler release page.

I will not accept review documentation for any release that is not recorded in the project metadata.

While you're there, please take a few minutes to update the description and plan information for your release. The description should be a  short paragraph that concisely describes the high points of the release. Note that you can still use the old XML-file based plan format if you like using old and painful technology.

You can quickly get access to your project's information page directly from the Kepler release page:


Let me know if you require any assistance.

Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
Learn about Eclipse Projects
          France 2013
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