Le 14/11/2022 à 13:43, Ed Merks a écrit :

*These projects need to do new builds*:

  * *org.eclipse.acceleo*
  * *org.eclipse.bpmn2*
  * *org.eclipse.dltk*
  * *org.eclipse.ecf*
  * *org.eclipse.eef*
  * *org.eclipse.emf.edapt*
  * *org.eclipse.emf.parsley*
  * *org.eclipse.fx*
  * *org.eclipse.gmf*
  * *org.eclipse.mylyn*
  * *org.eclipse.uml2*

I think GMF should be fixed. I've just contributed a new build of GMF Notation (GMF Runtime was already recent enough).

For EEF, we've removed the old generation "EEF 1.5", and a new version of the current 2.1.x stream should be contributed soon.
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