# -When a map maker builds over a land plot entrance,
#what happens to 
#the land plot?

Land plot is deleted? (It's a tough world out there :)

--- Alex Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> For a while I've been hearing on and off about
> people thinking about 
> making buildable land plots in bigworld. I'm not
> sure who to credit for 
> the origional idea, but I've taken some time to plan
> out one possible 
> way of doing it. Here's the steps to buildable land
> plots according what 
> I've been thinking would work well. In this plan, I
> try to keep every 
> feature that could potentially be useful outside of
> the bigworld land 
> plots in the server code as opposed to python just
> to make it flexable 
> for map makers to use such features in the future
> for other things. So 
> here's what I've been thinking would be a good way
> to impliment 
> buildable land plots adding feature by feature.
> -Add 'global unique' maps:
>     -permenantly stored like unique, only it's
> stored in a different 
> location and is shared between all players
>     -existing permenant maps (i.e. guild) like maps
> shouldn't be used 
> because these need are generated while running like
> unique or random 
> maps, so near the unique maps in their own place
> makes sence.
> -Random map changes:
>     -Allow random map generator to make unique maps
> (is this already 
> possible?)
>     -Allow random map generator to make 'gobal
> unique' maps
>     -Create 'open space' map style, which generates
> no walls except for 
> the outer border.
> -Building changes:
>     -Allow maps to specify in their header that
> building is restricted
>         -'Building passes' allow building in these
> areas (can be made as 
> an invisible force, or as a card type object, to be
> flexible)
> -Fix overlays:
>     -Fix conflicts with weather
>     -Fix other misc bugs
> -Write python glue code for details of land plots
> that can't be used as 
> features elsewhere:
>     -Python for making the map entrance, and the
> building passes
> -Make random map styles
>     -Where should land plots be buildable?
>     -When a map maker builds over a land plot
> entrance, what happens to 
> the land plot?
>     -What (if anything) should be done about the
> potential issue of 
> players trapping eachother in buildable areas.
> Supporting (not needed or important, but would
> enhance the experience of 
> buildable land plots) details:
>     -Buildable savebeds
>     -Buildable lock/key pairs
>     -Buildable shops
>     -Buildable teleporters
>     -Buildable crafting stations (?)
>     -New buildable things (i.e. new walls, grass,
> etc.)
> Comments? Suggestions? Any help working on any parts
> of this would be great.
> Thanks,
>         Alex Schultz
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