On 9/28/05, Todd Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe if you ask people if the built maps are
> superior to the random maps, you would hear that players like the built
> maps better.

I'm not quite sure your image of what is being described, and what is
attempted to being described quite match up.

we are talking about random maps yes, but random mostly empty maps.

you might well have a map that looks like (in rogue style graphics...)


I've probably miscounted the width of some of those lines, but assume
they are all the same width....
(T - tree B - bush R - rock ~- water)

and every square would have can_build 1 on it

> Since most players aren't into making maps - perhaps they
> may find it a bit hard or at least annoying to have to build things

They would be using constructors, not the map editor.

> and
> they might like to buy something like the guild houses with things like
> trophy rooms, pet kennels, guest rooms and other special areas.

They are already available in several towns throughout the game world...

> At
> least with house templates you can have these nice features and make fun
> quests for players to access them.

You can have nice constructors and have quests to access them too (for
example a stone wall constructor, or a metal door constructor).

> For personalization, well you can
> add many rooms that are buildable to the different  house templates.
> Also the blueprints/templates way is an easy way to set different house
> styles on the map (houses, long houses, keeps, castles, guilds,
> temples...) to represent the building

This is true, I'm not sure if there is a nice way to do this.

> and a good way to set the starting price.

Well, I was thinking to charge by plot (abuse the town portal marker,
so that if it points to a valid plot square you 'ask' for that one),
and charge based on proximity to entrances, roads etc....

although then all the constructors would have their own price, so a
bigger buliding, would need more constructors than a smaller one.

> Nothing stopping you from coding up a storm in any case, I'm sure you
> have ready counter-arguments to this post.   I will upload the templates
> I worked on before so they are available in any case.

Excellent, if nothing else, they will give a good idea of how to
balance the building shop treasure lists to avoid any of the standard
items (walls, doors, wooden floors) being too rare.

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