It seems there are two camps here: the "Players should build their own
as it is a fun thing to do" and  "players should get a pre-built map
as it will make their life easier".

I will propose a third, contradictory method, which sits in between,
and will probably get ignored, as it will be more difficult to
implement, but here we go anyways.

A player buys a plot, and it starts off randomly generated. They can
build the house themselves, or get themselves a house by contracting
another player to build it. Something like "construction" skill would
need to be introduced, so people can be professional builders and gain
levels by offering their services as builders. Being high at the skill
should probably decrease material cost to them, and maybe open up
better construction materials (eg lvl 10 can make windows, at 20 you
can place doors, at 20 stairs, and at 50 can build complex connected

This way, a player not interested in construction can stay away from
it, and for a player interested in architecture design will have a
purpose in building things, and will want to get hired if not for the
money, then for the ability to gain xp building the house.

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