Le Mardi 17 Janvier 2006 02:56, Miguel Ghobangieno a écrit :
> It is not half broken as far as I can tell. Yes it's
> not running on MF, that doesn't mean it's broken. 
So having trees growing on sea squares isn't broken ?

> It gives few problems on Cat2. This whole thing is about
> slowly dumping whatever MF doesn't use. 
It is not about "moving code out of Crossfire", but about "re-organizing it so 
it is easier to manage". Which, as a side note, should help debugging chunks 
like the weather system and provide fixes without even having to rebuild and 
restart the whole server.

If you read what I typed earlier, you'd note that I think random maps should 
get modularized as well - and AFAIK, it is used extensively on MF. Let's 
repeat it again: modularizing code is *not* about removing functionalities; 
it is *not* about scrapping code out of the main CVS tree. It is mostly a 
structural change to make an easier maintenance for those wanting to work on 
such pieces of code - so it is in fact a way to make them *better* supported.

> Open your eyes, the 2nd biggest server runs weather code at it's
> most extreme, in terms of players that's not "a few".
That there are many players on Cat2 doesn't make the weather system less 

> I suggest you not implement a huge worthless code change that is nothing but 
busy work. 
That's indeed an opinion based on emotion rather than facts, unfortunately.

> I reject your assertion that cave's analogy is flawed as it is not.
Tell me how it isn't, then, or stop the "nah, nah, nah" song. 

> If you want to code code something new useful rather then breaking the 
server as is what will happen if you go forward with this plan. 
Breaking the server always occur when a new functionality that is larger than 
a few lines of code is implemented (everybody makes mistakes, even skilled 
coders). And given that I see it as useful, I would have no problem "breaking 

> You also will be holding off any new large codechanges for months as they 
wait for you to be done with this not-needed reshuffling.
I don't see why. Moving existing parts of the code into modules doesn't mean 
development on other parts of the code would suddenly be halted "for months". 
And I could return you the argument: the completely optional "get drunk when 
drinking" functionality you suggested would block the more important 
restructuration of the code, probably for a couple of weeks - where's the 
difference ?

You could of course object that "players want to get drunk, but don't give a 
damn about an obscure change in the code". Presented like that, sure. But 
wouldn't a server that is easier to maintain, debug, and extend have a more 
in-depth impact on the players in particular, and the game interest in 
general ? I think it does, even if it means that the priority is set on 
changes that are not immediately visible to players.
Yann Chachkoff
Garden Dwarf's Best Friend
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