Le Vendredi 20 Janvier 2006 23:24, Yann Chachkoff a écrit :
>Le Vendredi 20 Janvier 2006 19:46, tchize a écrit :
>> Done a long time ago, never used due to misunderstandings :), new
>> crossfire banner proposal
>> Design by Yann Chachkoff (alias Gros alias Lauwenmark)
>> Colors by David Delbecq (alias Tchize)
>> licence terms of picture to be clarified in future mail. Need to find
>> suitable artistic licence which is gpl compatible...
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>I'd like to put the original pencil artwork under the following terms. It is
>basically the Free Art License rendered GPL-compatible by removing the
>Article 3 (which prevented to include FAL-covered works into non-FAL work).
>Also note that for practical reasons, I used the Belgian Law as the legal
>reference, not the French one (practically, there are no difference in this
>specific case, except that it makes me easier to solve possible legal
>Tchize: Given that, according to the reference law, the license doesn't
> apply retroactively, you'll have to explicitly agree to put your coloring
> job under it (as a "subsequent work" of the original).

yup, agreed only if removal of 'copyleft attitude movement' reference in 
article 5, to prevent problems of confusong this artwrok licence with the FAL 

>Note that none of the drawings (be pencil or the digital version) requires
> an explicit (C) on it - the Belgian law ensures proper copyright property
> even in the absence of it. Thus, no change in the pictures is required; the
> license text simply needs to be accessible alongside the picture (either by
> a text file shipped with the code in the case of the image is used in the
> client, or by an hyperlink/webpage if used on the website).
>Any legal expert to confirm the compatibility of this text to the GPL,
>please ?
>Lauwenmark's License Proposal:
>Version: 1.0
>- The work of art :
> A communal work which includes the initial artwork as well as all
> subsequent contributions (subsequent originals and copies). It is created
> at the initiative of the original artist who, by this license, defines the
> conditions according to which the contributions are made.
>- The original work of art :
> This is the artwork created by the initiator of the communal work, of which
>copies will be modified by whosoever wishes.
>- Subsequent works :
> These are the additions put forward by the artists who contribute to the
>formation of the work by taking advantage of the right to reproduction,
>distribution and modification that this license confers on them.
>- The Original (the work's source or resource) :
> A dated example of the work, of its definition, of its partition or of its
>program which the originator provides as the reference for all future
>updatings, interpretations, copies or reproductions.
>- Copy :
> Any reproduction of an original as defined by this license.
>- The author or the artist of the original work of art:
> This is the person who created the work which is at the heart of the
>ramifications of this modified work of art. By this license, the author
>determines the conditions under which these modifications are made.
>- Contributor:
> Any person who contributes to the creation of the work of art. He is the
>author or the artist of an original art object resulting from the
>modification of a copy of the initial artwork or the modification of a copy
>of a subsequent work of art.
>1. AIMS
>The aim of this license is to define the conditions according to which you
> can use this work freely.
>This work of art is subject to copyright, and the author, by this license,
>specifies the extent to which you can copy, distribute and modify it.
>You have the right to copy this work of art for your personal use, for your
>friends or for any other person, by employing whatever technique you choose.
>You can freely distribute the copies of these works, modified or not,
> whatever their medium, wherever you wish, for a fee or for free, if you
> observe all the following conditions:
> - attach this license, in its entirety, to the copies or indicate precisely
>where the license can be found,
> - specify to the recipient the name of the author of the originals,
> - specify to the recipient where he will be able to access the originals
>(original and subsequent). The author of the original may, if he wishes,
> give you the right to broadcast/distribute the original under the same
> conditions as the copies.
>You have the right to modify the copies of the originals (original and
>subsequent), partially or otherwise, respecting the conditions set out in
>article 2.2 , in the event of distribution (or representation) of the
>modified copy. The author of the original may, if he wishes, give you the
>right to modify the original under the same conditions as the copies.
>The object of this license is not to deny your author's rights on your
>contribution. By choosing to contribute to the evolution of this work of
> art, you only agree to give to others the same rights with regard to your
> contribution as those which were granted to you by this license.
>This license takes effect as of your acceptance of its provisions. The fact
> of copying, distributing, or of modifying the work constitutes a tacit
> agreement. This license will remain in force for as long as the copyright
> which is attached to the work of art. If you do not respect the terms of
> this license, you automatically lose the rights that it confers. If the
> legal status to which you are subject makes it impossible for you to
> respect the terms of this license, you may not make use of the rights which
> it confers.
>This license may undergo periodic modifications to incorporate improvements
> by its authors (instigators of the "copyleft attitude" movement) by way of
> new, numbered versions.
>You will have the choice of accepting the provisions contained in the
> version under which the copy was communicated to you, or alternatively, to
> use the provisions of one of the subsequent versions.
>Sub-licenses are not authorized by the present license. Any person who
> wishes to make use of the rights that it confers will be directly bound to
> the author of the original work.
>This license is subject to Belgian law.

Tchize (David Delbecq)
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