> You shouldn't GFDL it if deb considers it non free. 
I never considered using the GFDL, since it was meant to be used for text or 
documentation material, not artistic pictures. The "Debian sees it as non-free" 
point was never considered, since the GFDL obviously didn't fit well artwork.

> Stick with the GPL that crossfire uses. 
At the risk of sounding repetitive, the GPL is *not* suited for "artistic" 
pictures ! It uses definitions that *cannot* be applied in a clear, unambiguous 
way to  that kind of work. So no, I'll *never* use it for anything else than 
code (and other similar works). 

Note that it doesn't mean that I want to create a special case that would make 
the picture not compatible with the GPL - quite the contrary, I think my 
proposal protects correctly the work done, while allowing free redistribution 
and compatibility with GPL-based softwares.

> I make alot of art for crossfire and I don't insist 
> on a new license... you can do the same. 
No. The GPL wouldn't correctly protect that work in most countries. Simply 
because you accepted such a situation doesn't make a clunky solution more 
efficient or appliable.

> Otherwise... why do we need a new welcome screen?
Because the current one is not very nice ? Because it depicts monsters whose 
design completely changed ? Because a change or two is often refreshing ?

Besides that, I posted the license proposal so that if a GPL-incompatibility 
had slipped in, others may spot it, allowing to solve the issue. The decision 
of not using the GNU-GPLv2 or the GFDL has already been taken, and there is no 
point of reopening that debate, especially when nothing but sentimental 
feelings can justify the rediscussion.

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