Brace is used, as Leaf said before, to make it easier
to swich deities without being pushed off the alter...
this was allready discussed!

We shouldn't do things that increase bandwidth
/me watches the bandwith usage skyrocket just to spite

--- Mark Wedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Brendan Lally wrote:
> > I would suggest then, in no particular order:
> > 
> > * client side display of parties (so that they can
> present an
> > interface more like gcfclient2 has for the
> metaserver, removing the
> > need for using the rather complex party commands
> directly).
> > 
>   Yes - that sounds like a good idea.
> > * adding more stats, including a number that could
> be considered as
> > settings, so that clients can have a configure
> menu for them (imagine
> > having a 'server' tab next to the general, map,
> and keybindings tabs
> > in gcfclient)
> > 
> > In order to do that, I think you would need to
> send....
> > 
> > output-sync         short (byte?)
> > output-count                byte
>   I'd suggest the output-* stuff on the server
> should go away.  That was put in 
> before the client/server split IIRC.  I think any
> collapsing/discarding of 
> messages should just be done on the client.
>   Granted, doing it on the server does save some
> bandwidth, but I can't see that 
> as much an issue on current connections.
> > bowmode                     byte mapped to associated requestinfo
> > applymode           byte mapped to associated requestinfo
> > listen level                byte
>   is listen level really used much?  I'd almost
> suggest this go away also, but 
> right now, harder for the client to deal with it,
> since it isn't getting message 
> levels.
> > petmode                     byte mapped to associated requestinfo
> > usekeys                     byte mapped to associated requestinfo
>   Yes, all the rest makes sense, and wouldn't be
> hard to do at all.
> > * I'd also want to consider removing brace
> altogether, or at least
> > making it a flag in the stats so that it can be
> displayed client side
> > (hitting brace by accident and not being able to
> move can be
> > confusing).
>   Brace could probably go away now.  I believe there
> are other ways to get the 
> same effect (ready melee weapon skill, and just fire
> in that direction)
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