Lalo Martins wrote:

>Sure, because CVS makes it inconvenient.  And with SVN, you will still
>not branch.  However, crossfire *should* be branching much more often,
>and it would if it used a reasonable revision control system.
>Right now what happens instead is either:
>- developer writes complicated code on his machine, over the course of,
>from a few days to a few weeks.  This requires constantly catching up
>with cvs, and there is no revision control for this "local branch" - if
>you make a mistake and kill some code you later decide you wanted after
>all, you have to write it again.  Then developer commits it in a big
>batch.  This happens specially to MWedel.
>- developer codes incrementally, using CVS, often leaving users with the
>incomplete feature.
Yes, this indeed a current revision control issue. Personally I try to 
keep to the former of those two and avoid the later like the plague. 
Then try to minimize the affect, instead of making monolithic changes, 
figuring out a way to split a large task into many subtasks, as many of 
the subtasks as possible being usable for purposes other than the larger 
task too (i.e. what I've been doing for land plots and required 
features). However that is not always possible to split like that and 
even then some sort of revision control on "local branches" would be good.

Alex Schultz

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