Raphaël Quinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As mentioned a few days ago, the default experience table is rather bad,
> especially near the higher levels because you only need to increase your
> exp by 1 or 2% to gain a level.  You always lose a reasonably fair amount
> of experience when you die (death penalty is 15% by default) but this
> translates to many levels in some cases.  The problem is in the mapping
> between experience and levels, not in the death penalty.
> I think that I440r__ had some valid points: levels should not be gained
> so easily (at least for the medium and high levels) so that the death
> penalty would always represent a reasonable amount of levels lost.
> By the way, I added a link to
>   http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo:exp_table

A few notes on changing the exp table: To me, the shape of the one on that page 
you label "Progressive 12%" seems to have what I would consider to be the most 
reasonable shape for the exp curve, however one question which doesn't seem to 
have been considered yet, which I440r__ reminded me of by saying something to 
the meaning of "I wouldn't mind the exp table being scaled up 4x", is do we 
want the exp table to top out at the same exp value as currently like in the 
proposed table? I personally think we might want to consider something 
like "Progressive 15%" in scale, except have the last levels taper upwards like 
in the "Progressive 12%" one, such that the level 115 exp would be a good bit 
above what it is currently. I think I may look into making a proposed chart 
some time.
Also, we may want to look at tweaking individual monster exp in some cases. 
(there are probably many cases that are too generous or don't give enough)

Another thing, we may want to consider making exp loss for skills something 
other than the plain percent. Overall should be by percent IMHO, however it may 
be worth considering a system, which wouldn't hurt low levels skills of a high 
level character as much (thus making the fact that non-combat skills are hard 
to gain, and making death hurtfulfor them, less of an issue).

Alex Schultz

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