On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 07:31:32PM +0200, Nicolas Weeger wrote:
> > After character generation, you have to chose your class. As soon as
> > you have chosen your class, you won't enter "start/Nexus", but the
> > guild of that class.
> Sounds interesting, but isn't the race meaningful also, especially for
> "special" races like wraith, dragon, fireborn?

Yes, the character could be a member of a race guild, too.

Or the "special" races won't get a class, just being this race is the
class itself. Those races don't change the outfit to show which class
they belong to, so why should they be part of a class specific guild?

If you prefer the first option, should there be a guild for every race?
What's the benefit of being member in the human guild?

> The question I have is what the purpose of the guild would be,
> game-wise. Have players of the same race/class get together?

Nope, I've no idea what benefit this would give. ;)

> Point to maps to solve?

A guid through the world, yes, one purpose, but that's not all.

The main reason why I got this idea is, that the classes are pointless
at the moment.

And the fantasy role playing games I know, make it easy for a fighter in
the beginning and easier for a mage later on.

The challenge for the spellcaster is to survive the lower levels. And
for the fighter to collect good equipment to survive the higher levels.

If I have just a generic class, than I concentrate first on physical
combat and later on spell casting. No challenge at all.

And now the guilds will do the job. If you're a spell caster and rise in
levels, you will get powerful spells, but only if you manage to stay in
the guild (following the guild rules).  If you're a fighter, you won't
get a chance to learn the powerfull spells, maybe not even any spells.
But on the other hand the fighter will get powerful weapons to strike
down big monsters in short time.

> I think quite many guilds can coexist: race-based guilds, class-based
> (whether start class or matching how you play) guilds, free guilds
> (like we have now), things like that. So a player could be a member of
> the cooking guild because she has enough exp, and also a member of the
> Smoking Cauldron guild.

Sure, just because you get your class depending stuff from your class
guild doesn't mean that you can't be a member of another guild.

But a barbarians in a sorcerer guild or vice versa is more than strange
and I wouldn't like to see it. Keep the class guilds clean from other
classes and even from members who don't like to "play class like".

> > The vision is, to have chained quests leading through all the maps.

> But then when you reach the "last" map, do you get a special treasure?
> A reward?

There shouldn't be a "last" map. Hopefully we get more and more good
maps following the guidelines. ;)

And no, just make sure that there are enough random maps for hack and
slay style playing.

> Rather than "chained" quests, I'd have a "graph of quests". Quests you
> can do anytime, quests you can't do before you do another one, quests
> you can't do if you did another one, and such.

That's for the spoiler page, yes. See my previous mails what I mean with
"chained quests" and "side quests".

> As Mark pointed, you should still be able to go to random maps by
> yourself.  I think that all maps should be reachable by all players,
> with some justified exceptions.

Sure, just because you get some hints and notes while following the
storyline doesn't mean that you're unable to visit such maps without
these pointer.

> Comes to mind: a Valriel priest shouldn't go kill Valriel's Ascended
> Avater, or pay a big price for that (heretic!).

The big price a priest has to pay for doing such things is to become
ostracized. No more granted prayers of this god, never again.

A priest should suffer from killing races of his/her cult. Maybe just
subtract praying level of the player multiplied with the xp of the
killed cult monster from the players praying skill.

Maybe it's possible to make an extra counter for the killed cult
monsters and the enemy races. Killing enemies will increase it and
killing cult monsters will decrease it. If the player drops below 0
he/she become excommunicated.

> Maybe undead can't enter Navar (because in the past there was an
> invasion of undead which was barely contained?). Things like that :)

Sounds good. And also a little bit tricky to keep that in mind for key
quests. No key quest should have such limitations, but side quests is

> > What do you think? And yes, this changes are substantial which makes
> > it necessary to abandon old characters and start from scratch.
> Not necessarily. Most of what you suggest doesn't change anything to
> the existing skill system, but merely adds guild checks - unless I'm
> getting something wrong ^_-

The "cheap version" of this guild idea, yes, won't change the existing
system. But I prefer more the extensive version of the guilds. That's
why the subject is "reorganizing the entire world". ;)

For the "cheap version" I started a new thread "class guild map". They
could be implemented into the current system. But for more class like
role playing, we need the big change and this will be incompatible with
existing characters.


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