Juergen Kahnert wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 08:01:12AM -0600, Alex Schultz wrote:
>> One quick note about this, is that removing that hard limit isn't so
>> simple as "just" removing it.
> I didn't looked into the code.  I just wrote down what I think will
> improve gameplay.
> I wouldn't consider this hard limit as critical which needs to be fixed
> asap.  Anyway, it can't be wrong to put some more priorities on gameplay
> instead of "what's easy to code". ;)
Yep, just thought I'd make note of what else would be affected by it and
would need tweaking as to make sure that won't be forgotten. I agree it
would help gameplay, though not something with asap priority indeed :)

Alex Schultz

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